Nivedita Basu: A 2-3-day break, every now and then, is mandatory

1 min read

Nivedita Basu, senior VP at Atrangii Group, says that it is very important to cut off from your work, and relax in order to rejuvenate yourself. However, she adds that this is easier said than done.

“We all are so insecure. It’s not only in our field but in every field. Unless you are totally at the top of the game, we feel that it’s not okay to take long breaks. You need to take time to allow yourself to settle in your profession,” she says.

However, she adds, “But, I totally agree that a break of 2-3 days is mandatory and I have started taking it every month or 45 days and it helps me in many ways which I can’t even explain.”

She says that it is also difficult for us to totally cut off from our work when we are on a break. “I think our job entails travelling in a way that we can take a break because Mumbai has the infrastructure, the vibe, and the workload. But the moment you step out of Mumbai, your mind starts thinking 50% slow from what it was,” she says.

She adds, “When we are on a break I can’t be without my phone as I feel that my work should be suffering because of me. We all have that insecurity that nothing wrong should happen.”

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