Those who truly care about their health will never make excuses: Nitin Goswami

3 min read

Nitin Goswami, who is currently seen on Dangal TV’s Deewani, has been working out for the past 20 years and has not spent even a day without his scheduled workout session. He emphasised that people are aware that health should be prioritised and start their fitness journey but often end up quitting it in a few days.

Speaking further he says, “Some people don’t take care of their health, they don’t work out regularly, or do yoga. But when they start, they often struggle to continue. Over the past 20 years since I started working out, around 100–200 people have joined me, wanting to improve their physique, but many end up quitting. Some blame their busy schedules like jobs, business, or studies.”

“Personally, I’ve been maintaining at least an hour for myself each day, sometimes even in my room, using my bed for exercises like dips. I believe those who truly care about their health will never make excuses and will always find time for exercise or any other activity that benefits their health. Those who quit might do so out of fear or a lack of commitment. But ultimately, it’s about prioritizing and making time for what truly matters to you, and health should always be a priority,” he added.

He mentioned that while some quit before even making it half way, some start opting for shortcuts, like steroids, etc., to get in shape. He feels overdoing anything can harm one’s body, and it is better to maintain balance.

“I want to talk about following a strict diet, which is like using steroids for quick effects. Some people follow strict diets to quickly get lean, but it can harm the body. I’ve been working out for 20 years, and while I occasionally indulge in junk food, I don’t strictly follow diets. My coach used to say it’s better to enjoy life than to deprive yourself completely,” he said.

“Overeating even healthy foods can harm your health, just like drinking too much milk. It’s not necessary to follow a strict diet to have a good body. Building a great physique takes time, and skipping workouts for a month won’t ruin everything I’ve worked for. But if you rely on strict diets or steroids, skipping even a few days at the gym can have serious consequences for your health,” he added.

Nitin shared three fitness and health tips that he follows religiously and said, “Firstly, I believe in regular workouts. If you can’t spare an hour out of 24 for yourself, then what’s the point of having a body? Just like you take care to dress well, you should also take care of your body, which is a gift from the divine. Secondly, eating well brings joy. While indulging in unhealthy foods might feel good momentarily, later you will regret it. I know many friends who eat unhealthy foods and regret it later. So, try to eat well, as it not only satisfies your taste buds but also nourishes your body. Lastly, as life progresses, our bodies have different needs, like calcium and vitamins. If you don’t consume enough vegetables for iron, you should take multivitamin supplements to ensure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients.”

He also shared his thoughts on aging and says that though his profession demands otherwise, he believes that every age, and every phase of a person’s life has its own grace.

“As an actor, it’s natural to want to look smart, beautiful, and young in front of the camera. So, it’s important to maintain yourself, eat well, and avoid things like sugar that can age you. Drinking can cause swelling under the eyes, so it’s best to avoid it too. As an actor, there’s a bit of fear associated with this, but as a normal person, every age has its benefits. Childhood, youth, and old age each have their own charm. Learning to embrace every stage of life is important. Nobody likes to get old, but it’s essential to enjoy every phase of life, stay happy, eat well, and take care of your health. Even if you look good, it’s crucial to prioritize your health because being healthy is important regardless of your age group, in my opinion,” he ended.

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