“Fairytale sounds fun, but..”,Shares Alaya F On The Recent Gripping Promo Of Star Plus Show Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua!

2 min read

Star Plus has ventured into unexplored territory with its new show, Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua, starring Aditi Tripathi (Deepika) and Akshit Sukhija (Chirag) in lead roles. Set against the backdrop of Rajasthan, Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua is a tale of Deepika and Chirag and what unfolds in the lives of Deepika and Chirag, who fall in love. But will their love story be accepted by society and family?

Recently, the makers of the show dropped a gripping glimpse that highlights Deepika’s emotional agony as well as the difficulties and suffering she has faced throughout her life due to her stepmother and stepsister. The promo further reveals the mistreatment and trauma she endured. Chirag brings brightness and love into Deepika’s life despite all of these misfortunes and afflictions! Chirag is indeed a ray of happiness in Deepika’s life that is filled with harships!

But wait, along with the promo, we bring you another surprise! Bollywood Diva Alaya F has a special message for the show Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua! The style icon and fashionista is known for courageous choice and living in the moment aspects of life. Alaya F epitomises simplicity along with gracefulness and elegance. She has a different approach to life and career and believes in achieving her aspirations through her hard work and sheer dedication!

Here is Alaya F’s take on whether she believes fairy tales exist or do not exist:

“Fairytale sounds fun, but I believe in hard work to make dreams come true, be it love, family, or career.”

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua to air from today on Star Plus at 7 p.m.