Among its array of captivating shows, Star Plus is poised to introduce yet another exciting venture with the show Deewaniyat...
Star Plus has established itself as a leader in producing shows that create strong emotional bonds with its audience. With...
In an industry where many actors begin their careers in television before transitioning to films, Rishaabh Chauhaan, who portrays Ritwik...
Star Plus' show Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua, starring Aditi Tripathi (Deepika) and Akshit Sukhija (Chirag) in lead roles, continues...
Get ready to witness a love story unlike anything seen before on Indian television! Mid-December, the small screen will explode...
In today’s fast-paced world, where professional demands often overshadow personal life, popular actress Kamya Panjabi shares her perspective on finding...
Continuing the spree of delivering gripping stories, Star Plus has arrived with yet another one with its latest show, Dil...
From a carefree tomboy to a mysterious daayan, Maitri Bhanushali’s character Tina in Chhathi Maiyya Ki Bitiya on Sun Neo...
When the biggest names in Bollywood and the Indian sports arena want to party, DJ Yogii is their go-to maestro....
Romantic scenes on-screen often look effortless, but behind the camera, they require a perfect mix of comfort, chemistry, and creativity....