- Celebrating a monumental achievement in television storytelling; "Tose Naina Milaai ke" has drawn in audiences for 200 episodes, marking an extraordinary journey of...
dangal tv
Varsha HegdeAs a teenager, I used to be very mischievous. Once, my friends tried to fool me on April Fools'...
Mumbai, 23rd March 2024: DANGAL TV has announced its pioneering partnership with the prized T20 League Cricket Team, Lucknow Super...
: Mann Sundar, the beloved television saga that has captured the hearts of audiences nationwide, is celebrating a monumental milestone...
: The much-admired television series "Dalcheeni" has marked its significant milestone, as it aired its 100th episode today.Since its launch,...
- The moment that television audiences have been eagerly awaiting has arrived. We proudly announce the official launch of "Deewani", a revolutionaryTV show that promises to redefine...