In a heartfelt open letter on social media, renowned film producer Prerna Arora expressed her admiration and support for fellow...
Akshay Kumar's Surprising Revelation: Unveils Sporty Side with Co-star Tiger Shroff Ahead of 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' Release From Action...
Daanish Khan, who is a Dubai-based event planner and husband of Umarah Naushad Ali, the granddaughter of the legendary music...
Debutant Bhoomika Meena Shines Bright Amongst Critics For Her Portrayal Of Kinjal's Character In The Film Dukaan Alongside Sikandar Kher,...
Celebrities often serve as style icons, and their airport looks are no exception. One trend that never goes out of...
Gangu Ramsay's illustrious career spanned decades, leaving an indelible mark on the Indian film industry. He lent his creative vision...
Actress Anupama Solanki who is part of the show Kuch Reet Jagat ki Aisi Hai, says that health is very...
Actor, choreographer, and entrepreneur, Jason Tham believes that being a public figure is a blessing that should be handled with...
This World Health Day, celebrity astrologer and Vaastu consultant Dr Acharya Vinod Kumar Ojha says that while people are more...
Writer- Director Anuraadha Tewari says that this World Health Day, everyone must focus on taking care of themselves, not just...