In a grand celebration in Lucknow, Shreya Entertainment and Productions marked the birthday of Shreya Rai with the launch of...
Star Plus' show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein has gained a loyal audience because of its intriguing and engaging plot....
As the film industry prepares for a busy festive week, director Mudassar Aziz of Khel Khel Mein has shared his...
Dhruva Sarja’s upcoming film Martin, directed by AP Arjun, is poised to make a significant impact on the international stage....
Star Plus is famous for delivering intriguing and interesting content to its viewers that makes one go through a plethora...
~ Experience the old school charm of classic cinema this August 4 as Tata Play Classic Cinema pays tribute to...
Every actor enjoys tackling diverse roles, but some roles just feel like a perfect fit. Actress Pranoti Pradhan, who stars...
Actress Sara Khan needs no introduction. From TV shows to Bollywood movies to OTT series, she has carved a niche...
Every actor finds both similarities and differences with the characters they portray. Siddhi Sharma, the lead in Sun Neo’s new...
A French musician, named Thibault Maurin, posted a video on his social media in which he is seen playing Aparshakti...