Pranoti Pradhan, a versatile actor renowned in the Marathi and Gujarati entertainment industry, has taken on an exciting role in...
Ishq jabariya
Sun Neo’s recently launched show 'Ishq Jabariya' revolves around the theme of forced marriages, commonly known as pakadwa vivah. The...
Actors often need to step out of their comfort zone, especially when it comes to learning new languages and accents....
Lakshay Khurana, the charismatic actor portraying the character of Aditya in the newly launched show ‘Ishq Jabariya’ on Sun Neo,...
It's said, ‘First impression is the last impression,’ and rightly so, as a person's first gesture when we meet them...
Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, has been globally recognized for its numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. As...
Sun TV Network, India's leading media network, recently expanded into the Hindi-speaking market with its first Hindi General Entertainment Channel...