Directed by Abhinay Deo and featuring Divya Khossla in a leading role, “Savi” has proven to be a significant success...
Divya Khossla's film SAVI directed by Abhinay Deo has seen roaring success across the globe. Amazingly, the film has also...
After the box office success of her recent film Savi, Hero Heeroine’s lead actress Divya Khossla shared her enthusiasm about...
Actress Divya Khossla has been grabbing a lot of attention as Savi right from the teaser and trailer. With the...
Right from the teaser and trailer, buzz for Savi has been quite strong. Now closer to the release, the film's...
Or Divya Khossla gets lauded for her compelling performance at Savi's special screening in Jaipur With Abhinay Deo directed Savi...
First Ever Show of Upcoming Thriller Savi: Divya Khossla Attends Screening in Indore and Has A Heartwarming Moment Divya Khossla...
A lot of excitement has been built around Abhinay Deo's Savi - A Bloody Housewife starring Divya Khossla, Anil Kapoor,...