Siddhi Sharma, the talented actress from Sun Neo’s popular show Ishq Jabariya, who portrays the character of Gulki, recently opened...
siddhi sharma
In an industry where many actors begin their careers in television before transitioning to films, Rishaabh Chauhaan, who portrays Ritwik...
In today’s fast-paced world, where professional demands often overshadow personal life, popular actress Kamya Panjabi shares her perspective on finding...
Romantic scenes on-screen often look effortless, but behind the camera, they require a perfect mix of comfort, chemistry, and creativity....
Kamya Panjabi, known for her candid and heartfelt approach, has shared her thoughts on equality as we celebrate Women's Equality...
In any workplace, it's crucial to have a positive environment and build strong bonds with the people around you. In...
With Friendship Day around the corner, it's the ideal moment to cherish and celebrate the relationships that enrich our lives....
Every actor enjoys tackling diverse roles, but some roles just feel like a perfect fit. Actress Pranoti Pradhan, who stars...
Every actor finds both similarities and differences with the characters they portray. Siddhi Sharma, the lead in Sun Neo’s new...
Sun Neo’s recently launched show 'Ishq Jabariya' revolves around the theme of forced marriages, commonly known as pakadwa vivah. The...