Sun Neo’s recently launched show 'Ishq Jabariya' revolves around the theme of forced marriages, commonly known as pakadwa vivah. The...
sun neo
Jaya Bhattacharya Praises Co-stars Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai, and Govinda as 'Complete Actors' from Her Experience Actors need a...
Actors often need to step out of their comfort zone, especially when it comes to learning new languages and accents....
Sun Neo has made a grand entry into the entertainment world with a catchy title song, 'Sun Neo, Dil se...
Everyone needs inspiration and a role model to achieve things in their career. Such is Brinda Dahal, who is seen...
Lakshay Khurana, the charismatic actor portraying the character of Aditya in the newly launched show ‘Ishq Jabariya’ on Sun Neo,...
It's said, ‘First impression is the last impression,’ and rightly so, as a person's first gesture when we meet them...
Worship is a universal way for people to connect with the divine, bringing spirituality and positivity into their lives. Playing...
Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, has been globally recognized for its numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. As...
Fitness is an essential part of an actor’s life. In this competitive industry, maintaining fitness and health is crucial. Actors...