Every actor, whether aspiring or established in the entertainment industry, harbours a dream of sharing the screen with the legendary...
Star Plus is venturing into an unexplored territory with their new venture, Meetha Khatta Pyaar Hamara, starring Prerna Singh, Avinash...
Jethalal always tries to stay away from Bawri due to his past experiences. Whenever Bawri is around, he gets stuck...
Actress Sara Khan considers Bollywood star Madhuri Dixit Nene as her idol when it comes to maintaining a balance between...
Fans can make you or break you, says Suhaagan actor Aditya Deshmukh. He adds that while being a celebrity makes...
While taking short breaks and holidays are totally worth it, actress Yashashri Masurkar wishes that she, too, got summer breaks,...
Madirakshi Mundle, who portrays the character Shaina in the popular TV show 'Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak' on Colors TV is...
Actress Somy Ali, who was working as a top actress in Bollywood for quite a few years in the 90’s,...
Actor Saanand Verma says that we must pledge to take care of our health and overall wellness. He adds that...
Anupama SolankiI have 5-6 used phones that are not working and I am going to recycle that phone to save...